Eyelid Surgery Cape Town Secrets

 The unstable skin around the eye area is particularly susceptible to early signs of aging. Wrinkles around the eyes make you look older while sagging eyelids can give you a tired, worn appearance. There are various options for younger-looking eyes that we offer men and women in cape town, from noninvasive techniques like injectables to cosmetic surgery.

Signs of Aging

There are many different ways that aging can expose around the eye area. Crow's feet, the fine lines radiating out from the outer corners of the eyes, are usually the first to appear. The thin, often dry skin around the eyes combined with the nearly constant motion of the muscles used for blinking and facial expressions combine to form these dynamic wrinkles. Drooping lids and puffy bags are other typical signs of aging in the eye area. The forehead and eyebrow area may also shift lower, giving you a permanently angry expression even when you're cheerful.

Eye Care

The best approach to avoiding pronounced aging around the eyes is by taking good care of this vulnerable area. Reducing eye strain can help prevent the squinting that leads to fast wrinkle development, so be sure your eyewear prescriptions are current, and that the font settings on your computer, tablet, and smartphone are set large enough that you don't have to struggle during daily use. Wearing sunglasses when outdoors can also protect your eyes and the skin around them. Using a protective sunscreen daily will protect your skin from sun damage that contributes to wrinkles, and applying nourishing eye cream at night will give your skin the nutrients it needs to stay soft and supple.

Treatment Options

No matter how carefully you baby your skin, nothing completely stops the aging process. Once those wrinkles become too obvious to ignore, it may be time to consider your treatment options.

Before committing to Eyelid Surgery, several other procedures may help your eyes look younger. Plastic Surgery SA resides one of the most popular nonsurgical treatments for the eye area. An injection temporarily paralyzes the muscles that contribute to the formation of dynamic wrinkles, smoothing the skin for a younger look. Injectable fillers can be used to add lost volume, helping to minimize the "sunken" appearance that's so common in older people and to fill in deep tear troughs.

While nonsurgical treatments can be a great short-term fix, they are only temporary solutions that tend to last about six to nine months. Eyelid Surgery Cape Town, or blepharoplasty, provides a permanent answer to getting younger-looking eyes. During Eyelift, the muscles around the eyes are tightened, and excess skin and fat are removed to reveal younger-looking eyes. The result will leave you looking rested and alert. Accents Cosmetic Surgery and Medical Spa offer laser Eyelid Surgery Cape Town to provide patients even better results, combined with less visible scarring and a faster recovery.

Combining Efforts

It's very common to augment eyelid surgery with additional procedures for a more comprehensive approach toward reducing signs of aging. This includes not only injectables like BOTOX and fillers but also surface treatments such as laser skin resurfacing, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, or soothing facials. Eyelift cape town can also be included with additional surgical procedures, such as a brow lift or facelift.

The right combination of proactive care, non-surgical treatments, and eyelid surgery can help eliminate the most pronounced signs of aging around the eyes, leaving you looking refreshed, renewed, and younger-looking for longer.


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