Rhinoplasty For The Modern World Of Covid-19: How Recovery Has Become That Much Easier

With meetings being converted to zoom calls, seeing ourselves on camera seems to be more prominent than ever before. As we are now seeing ourselves far more often than the occasional mirror glance, our imperfections are standing out a little bit more.

With the nose being the centre of the face, it can completely transform the way you look and feel. This is why COVID-19 has given Rhinoplasty in Cape Town even greater popularity than before the pandemic, as those who are stuck behind their computer screen all day catching glances of themselves on camera, have realised that theyre just not that happy with their nose.

The recovery period for Nose Surgery in Cape Town is usually a deterring factor for many who have considered Rhinoplasty, as the recovery process would lead to those around them knowing that theyd undergone plastic surgery. However, with the current situation of the world being under various levels of lockdown, the world of socialising has limited, which means you don't have to worry about finding excuses to avoid your friends and family post-op. The implementation of face masks has also given those leaning towards plastic surgery the perfect concealment to heal before feeling confident enough to show off their new features.

The obligatory face mask has given those who were considering Rhinoplasty in South Africa, a perfect socially acceptable way of hiding that theyve had plastic surgery. This means that patients who were previously recovering in hiding at home, no longer have to feel insecure when stepping out in public. So the need for waiting until the swelling and bruising after your nose surgery in Cape Town has fully subsided is no more, meaning you can get on with your daily routine sooner than ever before, with the help from your trusty face mask.

We have seen a spike in people leaning towards all types of cosmetic surgeries, as being able to mask up has motivated many patients to leap for the procedure theyve been thinking about for years, but never dared to do. As masks have offered patients the chance to embark on a seamless recovery without having to hide away due to the fear of feeling self-conscious or judged by others in public.

 Its pretty clear that over the years, the lengthy recovery and signs of undergoing plastic surgery has been a factor that held many back from moving forward with cosmetic surgery, specifically Rhinoplasty in South Africa. Having to arrange time off work and putting your life on hold because of the signs of plastic surgery, had made it a bit of an inconvenience for some. However, as weve discussed above, the modern world of COVID-19 has had some benefits for the select amount of people wanting to embark on their plastic surgery journey. As you no longer have to worry about the lengthy healing process and the isolation at home due to the procedure, because you can mask up and camouflage any signs of plastic surgery.


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